Are your network ads supported by any additional marketing materials?
Yes. We have a plethora of tools and options that we use to support ad campaigns including shopping bags, bag stuffers, stand-up displays, floor stickers, posters, shelf talkers etc.
Who do I contact if I am interested in advertising?
Trofie Media Network's advertising team is ready to speak with you about your advertising needs. Contact us today.How many markets and locations do you reach with your network?
The network reaches approximately 1,000 locations covering over 60 US DMA’s with strategically placed HD TV’s streaming content designed to increase dwell time, entertain and inform shoppers with offers from advertisers.
Do I need to advertise in all markets or can I concentrate on select markets?
At Trofie Media Network we can customize a program for you with all of our locations or just select specific markets/locations. You pick how and where you would like to advertise your product.
How long would a typical ad run and how many times per day would it be displayed?
A typical ad runs for 30 seconds each hour for 1 month.
Are there compliance reports to ensure execution of campaigns at store level?
Yes there are. Each month we send information to all locations that are involved campaigns with clear instructions for easy execution.
I have a limited budget. Can I still advertise?
The TMN team will work with you to customize a program that works for you and where you can stay within your budget.
How do I track and measure the success of the advertising campaign?
We have a Nielson rated platform. We can supply the amount of travelers by location, by day as well as how much dwell time they had and how many were in front of our screens.
Do I furnish my own ad or can Trofie Media Network assist with the production of the ad?
Trofie Media Network will be glad to use an advertisers material or we can have our design and production people create a personalized campaign for you.
How much lead time do I need to run an ad on the network?
Trofie Media Network would prefer at least 90 days but we can expedite based on your timing.